Knee Treatments


Total Knee Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement

Revision Knee Replacement

Knee Injections

Arthroscopy For Cartilage Damage

ACL Reconstruction

Osteotomy (Realignment of the knee)

Whether you have sustained an acute injury to your knee joint or are experiencing chronic knee pain, both can negatively impact your overall quality of life.

Your knees are made up of bones, cartilage, tissues and ligaments. They form an important part of the system that enables you to walk. Knee problems vary from person to person and can be a result of old age or sports-related trauma. They may also arise from previous injuries such as fractures or dislocations as well as infections.


Your knee is a modified hinge joint connecting the distal ends of the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone) with strong absorbent cartilage pads (menisci) which are supported with ligaments and tendons. It has three major compartments: medial, lateral and patellofemoral. There are many ligaments in your knee, but the largest are the medial and lateral collateral ligaments, on either side of your knee. As well as the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, which are roughly in the centre. It has also, two main movements -flexion and extension.


Knee pain can be caused by a number of factors including but not limited to arthritis, tumours, sprains or ligament tears. Knee pain can also be associated with additional symptoms such as fever, along with swelling, deformity, muscle wasting and discomfort at the knee site. Knee pain can often be alleviated through modification of activities, weight loss, strengthening exercises and medication designed for this symptom specifically.

Knee injuries can also cause knee pain, as can a variety of diseases including but not limited to various forms of cancer. Pain in your knees can be a result of a single traumatic event or over time due to wear and tear on the knee. Knee injuries may include an injury to one or more structures including ligaments, cartilage, meniscus,


Your knee contains a bone called the patella which lies in the front part of your knee. This can usually be felt easily and protects 2 tendons, one above called the quadriceps tendon and one below called the patellar tendon. These are strong and stable but can be injured by sudden twisting or force. A knee injury can result in damage to the kneecap, ligaments, tendons or bones.

Knee injuries are one of the most common sports injuries. Knee surgery may be indicated for pain relief, stabilization of the knee joint, or restoration of normal anatomy. Knee surgery is often performed for a knee fracture, ligament injury, arthritis of the knee, or a tumour of the knee.


Knee pain can be alleviated through medication designed for this symptom specifically. Knee injuries may include an injury to one or more other structures including ligaments, cartilage, meniscus and tendons.

Knee surgery is often performed for a knee fracture, ligament injury, arthritis of the knee, or a tumour of the knee. Knee procedures may be indicated for pain relief, stabilization of the knee joint, or restoration of normal anatomy.

Knee surgery is also often performed to correct a deformity due to a birth defect or previous injury or disease. It can help a patient return to everyday routine and activities by restoring normal function and range of motion in the knee.


The first step in your treatment journey is scheduling an appointment. If you have private insurance or are self-funding you can contact me at thekneehipsurgeon to book a consultation. I currently have a weekly clinic at the Spire and Thames Valley Hospital in Wexham. Treatments can vary from outpatient injections to total knee replacement so a full thorough consultation is the first step in your diagnosis.

The following are the steps I take during your consultation

  • Carefully take a full history of the onset, course, duration of your pain as well as aggrevating factors.
  • Examination of your hip, spine, knee, ankle and foot (In order to establish whether the pain originates from any other joint and has a knock on effect on your hip).
  • Perform imaging scans as required in order to confirm the diagnosis and dertermine its severity.
  • Woke out a management plan to address your pain (Most knee patients don’t require surgery and can be treated by conservative means).
  • You will have full access to me if things aren’t going to plan or become worse at any point in the future.
  • If you need surgery, you will get a pre assessment appointment in which you will have a check up on your heart, lungs and bloods to ensure no underlying pathology prevents you from having a successful outcome.


  • Total Knee Replacement
  • Partial Knee Replacement
  • Revision Knee Replacement
  • Knee Injections
  • Arthroscopy For Cartilage Damage
  • ACL Reconstruction
  • Osteotomy (Realignment of the knee)

examples of different types of KNEE Pain