Sports injuries

Sports Injuries happen while performing a sport or during exercise.

Young adults and children are often injured when playing sports. More than 3.5 million children are injured each year as part of a sports activity, according to Stanford Medical Center for Kids. Nearly 1/3 of children’s injuries come from sports too.

Sports injuries happen while performing a sport or during exercise. Children are especially vulnerable to these types of ailments, but adults can get them as well.

Sports injuries are more likely to happen if:

  • You are playing a contact sport (such as football or basketball)
  • You haven’t been active recently
  • Exercising without warming up properly


Different types of sports injuries can have different symptoms and complications. The most common types of sports injuries that people get are:

  • Sprains. A sprain occurs when ligaments are stretched or torn. Ligaments are fibrous bands that connect two bones together in a joint.
  • Strains. A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon caused by overstretching or tearing. A sprain is the result of pulling on a tendon, which is made up of thick, fibrous bands of tissue that connect bone to muscle. Strains are frequently misdiagnosed as sprains. 
  • Knee injuries. Any injury that affects how the knee joint can move could be a sports injury. It might be an overstretch of the muscles or tissues in the knee, or it could even be a tear.
  • Swollen muscles. Swollen muscles can be painful and weak. This is a natural reaction to injuries.
  • Achilles tendon rupture. The Achilles tendon is a tendon that is at the back of your ankle. It attaches your heel to your calf muscles. It can break or rupture when you are playing sports. If this happens, it will cause sudden and severe pain in your ankle. You may be unable to walk normally because of this injury.
  • Fractures. Fractures are also known as broken bones.
  • Dislocations. Sports injuries can make the bone in your body come out of its socket. It is very painful and it may lead to swelling and weakness.
  • Rotator cuff injury. There are four muscles in the rotator cuff. They help your shoulder move. If any of these muscles get hurt, it can make your rotator cuff weaker.


I will likely use the following steps to get a diagnosis.

  • Medical history. This will include a thorough background check that includes inquiries about your medical history, how you were hurt, what you were doing at the time, and what you’ve done since then. This is very important as the mechanism of injury often dictates the course of management.
  • Physical examination.  I will attempt to move the injured joint or body part. This will help me see how and if the area moves.
  • Imaging tests. X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds can all be used to examine your body. This aids in the confirmation of a sports injury diagnosis.


The RICE method is a common treatment for sports injuries.


Mobilisation and physiotherapy exercise



The RICE method is a common treatment for sports injuries.

It stands for – Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.

This treatment option is for mild sports injuries. It can help reduce swelling and prevent more pain and bruising in the early days after an injury.

Take time to follow RICE within 24-36 hours after the injury. This will help you recover faster.


There are different types of medicine (both over the counter as well as prescription medicines) that can treat sports injuries. They usually make pain and swelling go away.

Mobilisation and physiotherapy exercise

At its core, a joint mobilisation is a form of manual therapy that employs the applying of force, direction, and technique to specific joints in order for them to move passively. The main aim of joint mobilization is to restore the normal play of your joints. This might not be possible if they are damaged or injured.


Sometimes, it is necessary to have surgery after getting injured playing sports. For example, an ACL tear, a shoulder labral tear or a meniscus tear will require surgery to reconstruct or repair tissues.


If you have a sports injury and it looks or feels severe, seek medical advice. Go to the hospital if your injured joint has these signs:

  • extremely painful with signs of swelling
  • popping or crunching sounds when you move the joint
  • noticeable bumps, lumps or other deformities
  • your joint feels weak and it’s difficult to put weight on it
  • the joint feels unstable

If you or someone you care about has an injury, seek immediate help if any of the following symptoms occur:

  • Breathing problems
  • Dizziness
  • Fever

Don’t ignore your symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment will help you get better sooner so you can go back to enjoying the sports you love.

examples of different types of sport injuries